
Showing posts from May, 2015

Retrospective: Old Cameras And New

A look back at a few images from my old cameras and an introduction to the new. New beginnings often have their origins in periods of reflection and looking back, so in that spirit I thought my first post in a long time might take the form of a retrospective. I have a few photos languishing in folders that might never otherwise see the light of day. I still don't and may never consider myself a photographer. I enjoy using cameras as a way of gaining a fresh perspective on the world. I aspire to improve on the technical side of taking pictures to some degree but it will always be something to enjoy rather than slogging away, trying to reach a level of sterile perfection! Olympus SP-590UZ 2009 - 2010 This was my first ever digital camera, a bridge camera with a 26x fixed optical zoom lens; bigger than a compact camera but way smaller than a DSLR. I had bought it with my first Christmas bonus and ventured out into Ladies Spring Wood, which was close to where I lived at the